Dutch Corporate & Commercial Law Alliance


De Metz has a strategic, non-exclusive alliance with CORPTECH and Corporate & Recovery.Legal under the name DCCLA (Dutch Corporate & Commercial Law Alliance)


DCCLA member firms handle complex domestic and cross-border corporate transactions and assist a wide range of corporate clients and investors on other corporate and commercial matters such as corporate structures, corporate governance, employee (stock) participation plans and commercial contracts. In addition, DCCLA member firms also provide advice and litigate in respect of insolvency and bankruptcy related situations.

The members of the DCCLA are all independent Dutch law firms with extensive track records and experience in corporate and commercial law. DCCLA members work together on a case-by-case and non-exclusive basis. The DCCLA enhances the performance of the separate member firms, allowing them to handle larger and more complex transactions and gives them access to an extensive source of knowledge and expertise.