Triacta, the private equity investor based in Baarn, the Netherlands has taken over TBS Soest and Rademakers Gieterij from Ballast Nedam. De Metz (Peter Visser and Bart van Zuuk) acted for Triacta.
TBS is the market leader in the Netherlands in the field of road and pavement drainage channels, gullies and drain covers.

Rademakers Gieterij, being a cast-iron maker, manufactures a broad range of products for the the drainage industry (including TBS) the agricultural sector and a number of industrial sectors.

Triacta is a hands-on PE investor with a focus on midsize businesses with headquarters in the Benelux. The transaction is closely connected to other acquisitions by Triacta in the drainage and drainage systems market, namely Struyk Verwo Aqua and Stradus Aqua, which were taken over from the Irish CRH group. With these acquisitions Triacta has built a strong platform for further organic and acquisitive growth in this industry.